How Europe underdeveloped Africa /

Rodney, Walter,

How Europe underdeveloped Africa / Walter Rodney ; foreword by Angela Davis. - London: Verso, 2018 - xxxiii, 394 p. : 21 cm

"First published in the UK by Bogle-L'Ouverture Publications 1972."

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Foreword / by Angela Y. Davis -- Preface -- Introduction / by Vincent Harding, Robert Hill, William Strickland -- Some questions on development -- How Africa developed before the coming of the Europeans--up to the fifteenth century -- Africa's contribution to European capitalist development--the pre-colonial period -- Europe and the roots of African underdevelopment--to 1885 -- Africa's contributions to the capitalist development of Europe--the colonial development -- Colonialism as a system for underdeveloping Africa -- Postscript / by A. M. Babu.

9781788731188 (pbk)


Africa--Economic conditions.
Africa--Colonial influence.
Europe--Foreign economic relations--Africa.
Africa--Foreign economic relations--Europe.

HC800 / .R62 2018
© The University of Dodoma 2020